My son is a bit of a dab hand at cooking the famous Nigella Lawson Coca Cola Ham. He cooks this two or three times a year, and has done for the last three or so years. My son is an excellent cook and has modified this recipe over the years, the only problem is he wont tell me how he has modified it. It's all games here, I have to cook it myself and then he will tell me the modification(s)
So I have duly cooked it myself, using a small gammon joint, with just one tiny modification ... so now I know the real modifications. Trust me, his coca cola ham is to die for
This is a christmassy recipe with nice warm spices ... posted too late!

2 kg gammon joint
2 litres coca cola (not diet)
1 onion, peeled and chopped in half
1 stick cinnamon
12 whole cloves
2 tbsp black treacle
2 teaspoons mustard flour
2 teaspoons dark brown sugar
Place the gammon joint in a pan with the coca cola, cinnamon and onion, bring to the boil, then reduce heat to a slow simmer. Put a loose fitting lid on the pan. Cook for about two and a half hours or until the gammon is cooked through. Once the gammon is cooked it is usually referred to as 'ham'
Remove gammon joint from the pan and place in a roasting tin, reserve the liquid from the pan, as this makes a useful sauce for other dishes
Heat oven to a temperature of around 200 degrees
Leave the ham to chill slightly and then remove the skin from the gammon joint. With a sharp knife, make slashes in the fat creating criss-cross diamond shapes. At the corners of the diamond shapes, push in the whole cloves. Drizzle the black treacle over the fat, then sprinkle the mustard flour and sugar over the treacle
Roast for about 10 - 15 minutes or until you have a nice glaze on the fat
This tastes gorgeous :)
NB: the coca cola sauce that was reserved should be boiled down until it thickens and reduces in volume, it can then be used for a soup base or a barbecue sauce. I havent used my sauce yet, but my son assures me it makes a very good barbecue style sauce