Believe me, it was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be. As both of the teeth are on the same side, I now find myself having difficulties eating, over new year. What a time to be unable to eat, one of the big festivals of the calender. New Year's Eve dawns and I am on four hourly pain relief ...
For everything there is an up-side, and the up-side of not being able to eat much over New Years Eve was a gorgeous mango smoothie on New years Day. I have a fair bit of fruit in the house that needs eating up, so here is my solution

2 mango's, pulp only
2-3 slices melon, chopped
1 braeburn apple, peeled, cored and chopped into cubes
1/4 pint semi-skimmed milk
Place the fruit into a liquidiser and pulse for a few seconds, until well combined and forming a liquid. Add milk to make a more fluid consistency
Chill and serve :)