Then I went through the acceptance phase, where I was trying to learn to live the gluten free life, mostly successfully with the odd accident along the way. It was at this time when 'gluten free journey' was born and for a long time I felt I was doing what I needed to do, hopefully helping myself and helping others along the way
Then the next phase came along, with my wilderness years when I wanted to live a more normal life while continuing to live the gluten free life. I was fed up with drawing attention to myself every time I went to a restaurant and fed up of risking being sick if I didn't. I've secretly being reading gluten free blogs during my wilderness years and considered blogging again, but it hasn't got past the consideration phase ....
I was therefore very pleased to be asked to review Shauna James Ahern and Daniel Ahern's book 'Gluten-Free Girl and The Chef' by Wiley Publishing who sent me the book from the USA

This is a beautifully written book with a very good concept for a food book. It tells the story of Shauna and Daniel, their love for each other and their love for food. The book has enough information for somebody recently diagnosed and enough food for thought for somebody like me who has lived the gluten free life for years. There are one hundred recipes with everything from serious comfort food to serious restaurant food.
There are several recipes in this book that I will certainly try out. If I didn't now have this book, I would definitely go out and buy it. If you don't have a copy, you need one, go and buy it :)
If you have this book in your collection it will probably be the only gluten free cook-book you will need. It will become your gluten free bible ....